Monday, November 23, 2009

Jax is learning to pee standing up... everywhere!
Nancy gave me a funny tip. He throws a Froot Loop into the potty and aims to hit it!
It is funny to watch, but it is working GRRRRRREAT! (That may be Frosted Flakes??)


Mindy said...

Ryan's mom would have him aim at Cheerios. :) Good Job Jaxson!

Allison Barry said...

Cute Jaxson! He is such a sweet boy. I am looking at the picture he drew for Devin at this very moment. (I'm not a just happens to be by my computer :)

john and brenda said...

I wish I had known that trick while those FIVE boys were growing up! It seemed like their idea was to 'paint' everywhere that wasn't the toilet!