Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Came!!

Last night we had a lovely family dinner.
While the kids were out looking at Christmas lights with GoGo and Grandpa, Santa called to see if he could come over early!
We happily said yes!
Charlee got a Razor Scooter and Three Musketeers Barbie.
She also got lots of clothes and Project and Draw! Jaxson got lots of Buzz and Woody stuff!
He got talking Buzz and Woody. They are very cool.

He was soooooo happy!
Oaklee got a barbie to head that you can do her hair and stuff.
She also got a new winter coat!
Jax got a new coat, too.
I got a Snuggie (Totally embarrassing!). I also got a bunch of new jewelry.
Brian got a new hockey stick and a shake maker.

Oaklee also got a swimming baby. They played with her today in the tub!

Caution: This video contains nudity (I am totally joking)

We had a lovely holiday and it is not even Christmas yet!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What A Dumb Wall!!

The kids are not allowed to eat on the carpet, but heaven forbid they don't watch TV while they eat. Our house has this half wall. It is gross. They spill stuff down it. They eat on it. It is pretty nasty and has to be cleaned almost daily.
This is what I found the other morning!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Update

Jaxson had his Christmas Part on Wednesday.
Here he is with his teacher, Miss Lorene. Nice Jammies!! I ate lunch with Oaklee and Charlee at school on Friday.
Oaklee ate all of the breading off her Chicken McNugget and said,
"Look Mom, my nugget is naked!"
The girls participated in the school's Christmas program on Tuesday night.
They both did so well. Charlee told us not to wave at her and "If you wave at me, I won't wave back because I am a professional."
Isn't she so pretty!!
Oaklee always cracks me up. She was pretty "Non-Professional" waving at us. She sang great and being short worked out for her because she got to be in the front. He pulled her antlers down like sunglasses and got the laugh she was desiring from the audience.
Jaxson and Andee had a lovely time enjoying the production.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bye Bye, Andee!!

Andee went home tonight!
I am sure going to miss her, but here are the Top 10 good things about not having a tiny baby:10. No more Diapers (Even Jax is potty trained!)
9. Everyone in my house can tell me WHY they are crying.
8. No more spit up.
7. No more huge diaper bags!
6. Everyone can buckle themselves in seat belts in the car unassisted.
5. No more swings, seats, car seats, high chairs, stuff out all over the house.
4. No More Diapers!!! (Deserves to be in here twice)
3. No more sore back from having an appendage attached to my hip (Andee).
2. Not as much prep work to leave the house.
1. I get to sleep ALL NIGHT!!
Although all of this is great, I will miss the crying, the spitting up, the car seats, the appendage, the getting up at night, the baby stuff all over my house, the prep work, the smiles, the laughing, the eating, the love... I will not miss the diapers, though... that is great!
I will miss you, my sweet Andee. I love you and I am so thankful that you made my life a lot brighter! One of the best 10 weeks of my life!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Andee tried sweet potatoes this morning.

She LOVED them!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Poor Andee!

Andee is the little princess at our house. The kids are constantly doing funny thing to her.
Here is Charlee reading her a book. Andee loves books. She scratches them and tries to turn the pages. She has a gift for getting her socks off ALL the time!!She got pretty upset at church yesterday when she could not get her tights off. hehe
Brian and I woke up on Saturday morning to find that Jaxson had already paid Andee a visit! He dressed Woody in a Santa outfit for the season!
I was doing homework with the girls and this happened to Andee while she was on the floor.
She is SOOO much fun!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Best Quote Ever!!

Russell M. Nelson
"Parents who have surrendered the sweetest and smallest flowers from the family's garden need to remember our Heavenly Father. He has promised a special reward to those who now suffer in silence, who spend long days and longer nights through their trying times of bereavement. Our Creator has promised glory. He said, "For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but nigh at hand." (D&C 58:4) That promised glory includes the blessing of reunion with each child who has left the family circle to help surviving members of the family to draw nearer to God. Those children still live and are a heritage to the Lord."

This Little Piggy Stayed Home...

Check out cute Andee pigging out!

She LOVED to food today!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Conversation With Oaklee

Mom: "Oaklee, where are your clothes?"
Oaklee: "We are having a naked party."
Mom: "Well, you need to put some clothes on."
Oaklee: "But I enjoy the fresh air."

Fun Christmas Pics!

I have a picture of Charlee wearing this same hat... I think it was bought for Brooklynn's dog, ChiChi. Jaxson wanted to get in on the Santa hat pictures, too.
We have this fun blow up in the front yard (Thanks, Mom). I had the kids pose with Santa and Rudolph.
We got to see the Light parade from inside Brian's bank during his work party.
It was so cold outside that the kids sat in the office and watched from the window. The bank is up higher than the road, so we had a great view!
Andee hated Santa Clause!
Charlee thought he was great.
Oaklee had no problem telling him ALL she wanted.
Jaxson looked so cute on Santa!
He is a great guy!
This is our family and Andee in front of the gingerbread house in Brian's work lobby.
Merry Christmas!
Let the Parties begin!

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Conversation with Jaxson

Mom: "Jaxson, this room is a mess. I don't want to live with pigs!"
Jaxson: "Are you allergic to piggies?"

Look who can roll over!

Thank you, Charlee!

Charlee gave Oaklee and Jaxson "tattoos".
We tell them that our bodies are temples and we don't want to put things on them. I think Charlee just did graffiti on the temples of our home:)
This is the little mermaid (Pretty good, huh?) Jaxson got some as well. I can't remember what they were, though.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Merry Christmas

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!
We put our tree together with A LOT of helpers:) I had to fix most of Oaklee's branches, but Charlee really got the hang of it this year.
Jaxson was so happy to put on the star.
I love this star. I got it when I was 18, so it will be dying soon, I am sure, but I love it.
Cute little family:)
Look at all of these helpers!
Yeah, Brian!! Good Job, Honey:)
Charlee LOVES to hold baby Andee. I think Andee loves it, too.
What a beautiful tree!
Some pretty funny kids, too.
We have Homer Clause set up in the family room this year. I think it would get stolen if it was outside!
Let the holidays begin!!