Friday, September 4, 2009

Oaklee's Tooth

The root in Oaklee's front tooth was broken when she fell on her face when she was two. It turned a little brown over the years, but a couple of weeks ago it started to turn black... eeewww! I took her to the dentist and we had the option to root canal and cap the tooth she will loose in a year ($$$$$) or have it pulled. So, here is my cute Oaklee without her front tooth!

She had to have a thing of gauze in her mouth for half the day. She got the glasses, the toys, and the balloons from the Dentist's office. I thought she looked sooo cute!


Allison Barry said...

Wow, she looks like Charlee in that front picture. She's going to be toothless for a year??? how cute!!

Jilly Bean said...

Hee hee. Cute girl.

john and brenda said...

Was it traumatic? She looks so sweet and COOL in those glasses!