Andee went home tonight!
I am sure going to miss her, but here are the Top 10 good things about not having a tiny baby:

10. No more Diapers (Even
Jax is potty trained!)
9. Everyone in my house can tell me WHY they are crying.
8. No more spit up.
7. No more huge diaper bags!
6. Everyone can buckle themselves in seat belts in the car unassisted.
5. No more swings, seats, car seats, high chairs, stuff out all over the house.
4. No More Diapers!!! (Deserves to be in here twice)
3. No more sore back from having an appendage attached to my hip (Andee).
2. Not as much prep work to leave the house.
1. I get to sleep ALL NIGHT!!
Although all of this is great, I will miss the crying, the spitting up, the car seats, the appendage, the getting up at night, the baby stuff all over my house, the prep work, the smiles, the laughing, the eating, the love... I will not miss the diapers, though... that is great!
I will miss you, my sweet Andee. I love you and I am so thankful that you made my life a lot brighter! One of the best 10 weeks of my life!