Friday, December 11, 2009

The Best Quote Ever!!

Russell M. Nelson
"Parents who have surrendered the sweetest and smallest flowers from the family's garden need to remember our Heavenly Father. He has promised a special reward to those who now suffer in silence, who spend long days and longer nights through their trying times of bereavement. Our Creator has promised glory. He said, "For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but nigh at hand." (D&C 58:4) That promised glory includes the blessing of reunion with each child who has left the family circle to help surviving members of the family to draw nearer to God. Those children still live and are a heritage to the Lord."


john and brenda said...

So comforting! Aren't we so are blessed to have prophets to help us through and give us encouragement through all the trials?

Allison Barry said...

I just love the Church. I can't wait to meet your girls when we're all up there having a Barry party.