Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I went to get a blood draw today and had the following conversation with my smart little boy.

Jax: Mom, How do they get the blood back into your body?
Mom: They don't. My body makes more blood.
J: How?
M: It just does. Remember when I had a tube put blood into my arm after Trevee was born?
J: When is Trevee going to come live with us?
M: She isn't.
J: The scriptures say she will come back when Jesus comes back. When will I get to live with Jesus?
M: Not for a very long time. First you have to grow up and be a dad.
J: I can't be a dad. I don't have a job or any money. Well, I do have a mud job.
M: What's a mud job?
J: It's where I make food out of mud in the backyard, but it doesn't pay anything.

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