Saturday, April 30, 2011

Our school had a "Read In" on Friday during school. They had politicians, doctors, army people, firemen, policemen, and even Smokey Bear come to read a patriotic book to each class. Charlee had Officer Cramer read her class "Abraham Lincoln". Then she went outside and got to sit on his motorcycle and make the siren go off. I asked Oaklee who read to her and she said the following:

Oaklee: We had Officer Cramer. He is really good with children.
Mom: How do you know that?
O: He has six kids and he likes to read to them.
M: What was his name?
O: Officer Simpson... You know like Homer Simpson.

1 comment:

Trevlyn said...

It's precious moments like this that confirm that you are indeed on the right track as a parent!