Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday

What a year!! In the last 12 months, Charlee started Kindergarten, We prepared for and buried two of the best babies ever who deserve to be here with us, My parents have gotten a divorce after 30 years, I sold and moved out of my dream home that I designed and built with the best husband ever... and I survived.

Today, I am thankful that I made it. I hope there are easier times to come. I love my kids. I would do anything for them so they don't have to feel pain. I am thankful for a great husband who lets me cry when I need to and also makes me be strong. I can do this. I already did this. I am thankful for my beliefs in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is truly how I made it through this year. All in all, I would rank this is my crappiest years yet!! I am sure there are better years to come!


Brianne said...

Scottee I am so sorry you have had such a difficult year. You will continue to be in my prayers!! Take care!

john and brenda said...

Wow, when you list those things it is amazing that you continue to be positive. I know that you are full of faith and that you are so very blessed inspite of the trials. Heavenly Father can trust you with these heavy things because He knows you!

Nancy Page said...

Well don't read my post because I just named blessing. :) Luv you Scottee and I would rank it the worst year too. Any year that you have to say goodbye to the hopes and dreams of a baby is a crappy year. You are strong! You can handle this and Greg always says, "I came to pass, not to stay"