Thursday, January 22, 2009

Feeling Inspired- A Rant from Scottee

My visiting teachers shared a great message with me today and I wanted to share it here with my friends. The title is "Stand Strong and Immovable in Faith"
I wanted to share this passage with you:
Elder M. Russell Ballard says:
"Your testimony of Jesus Christ is the most important anchor that you can have to help hold you, steadfast and immovable, to principals of righteousness, regardless of the challenges and temptations that may come in the future."
I think of all the challenges that have come my way in the last few years and I am astounded that I made it through. I think of all of the blessings that have come in the last few years and my breathe is taken away. I am so blessed. Someone out there has it harder than I do. Many people have it harder than I do and I am so thankful for my testimony in Jesus Christ and the knowledge it gives me to help me to withstand and be grateful for my challenges. If you want to read the whole message, go to and click on the visiting teaching message for January. It is great!!


Brianne said...

Thank you for sharing this very important message. We can never hear it enough :)

john and brenda said...

That is awesome Scottee. Thanks