Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bad Words

On our way to Disneyland, Oaklee told Brian, "This hill is a bi***". What??? Yeah, Brooklynn sat up to look as we asked what she said... She meant PITCH. Like a high slope. At least that is what I am going to think. We don't say that. People at her school don't say that. It must be the dang Disney Channel:) or one of her movies.
Another bad word is DIET. Yeah, I started eating healthier and exercising this week. So far so good. I would like to get back in my normal clothes and out of my fat pants. I realize I had a baby less than 3 weeks ago, but still, I want to feel cute again.


john and brenda said...

I don't remember the last time I felt cute!

Susann said...

I've gained a few, it's not fun!

Nancy Page said...

YOu are cute.
And S-U-R-E! I don't think it was pitch you bad mom you! :)haha