Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Griping about my new house that I will grow to love!

I hate stairs!! We have only been here a few days and the stairs are already my arch nemesis. We just don't get along. I hate carrying laundry up or down then. I really need a shoot to drop it in so I don't have to lug it down... come to think of it, an elevator to get it back up would be great, too:) I keep stubbing my toes on the stairs. I am getting dehydrated at night because I don't want to go all the way down the stairs to refill my drink. My kids yell downstairs and it echos up to me in my bedroom... somehow my voice yelling at them to stop fighting does not make it all the way down the stairs to them. Hmmmm. Are voices like heat? They rise, but don't go down? I know my east facing bedroom cooks in the afternoon, but the space is great. Slowly but surely, my house will look great. Yes, Allison, I will have a house warming party. Wanna Come??


Adam and Anya said...

I want to see photos! Sounds like it's a nice place. John and Ella always wanted a house with stairs so they'd love to come see!

john and brenda said...

Mindy bought black-out curtains at Target yesterday. Would they help maybe? I do think your houseIos great-hate stairs too though!

Allison Barry said...


and John and Brenda's stairs just about kill me, so I know how you feel.