Friday, June 18, 2010

Sweet Baby J

I am supposed to be packing since we are moving at 6:30 in the a.m., but I wanted to write a little bit about my sweet baby boy:).

I never thought that I would only have one son. I always thought that I would have 2 of each... Man am I glad that I only have one boy to spoil.
He is so great.
He loves me so much and I love him!

Two days ago, he stepped on a toothpick. I held an ice pack on it while he cried all the while thinking that Brian and I both saw him dump out said toothpicks and ask him to pick them up... which he did not do:)
I took him to the doctor when red streaks started going up his foot... Yeah... Ouch!
He got put on an antibiotic.
I asked him to show me his foot and he took this fabulous picture...

He is growing up so fast and I wanted to record some of his funnier moments:
1. He calls Burritos "Bweetos"
2. He says that another name for boys is dude and girls are chicks.
3. He said that girls have boobs, boys call them chests and everyone has nipples.
4. We tell him not to do stuff and he says, "too late" and runs away.
5. He likes to lick people.
6. He calls baby pictures of himself Baby J like it is a different person.
7. He can barely fit into his bed because of all of his stuff.

He is so Special!!
Thanks GoGo and Grandpa for babysitting...
Off to packing again:)

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