Thursday, September 4, 2008

More from Scottee

I know that I have been writing about Trevee so much this week because she is all I seem to think about. I miss her. I miss having a fat tummy, yes, Allison, you will miss that. I want so badly to hold her. I want to be able to tell my other strong kids that she will come home. I am sad that I can't do these things. I want to be strong, but I struggle with the heartache. I know where Trevee is. I know she is with my loving Heavenly Father, but selfishly I want her here with me. I am so thankful for the love I get from all of you. I am amazed at how therapeutic it is to write about her and my feelings and share them all with you. Thank you all for reading my thoughts. It means so much to me to have you care about my family.


Adam and Anya said...

Blogs can be so theraputic. You are so strong. We all admire that!

john and brenda said...

I think your "venting" was very mild! I love you everyday but today I especially love you for your forth-rightness and for letting us know your day to day feelings as you continue to heal.