Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Plan of Salvation

My friend, Tara gave a fabulous lesson today in church about the plan of salvation. I know that I have a testimony of the plan, but I know that not everyone knows about it. We believe that before we came to Earth, Heavenly Father asked us if we wanted to come to Earth and receive a body. Everyone on Earth said yes. While we are here, we are tried and tested and after we die, we get to live again with our Heavenly Father if we live righteously here. This is a very condensed version of The Plan of Salvation, but I felt impressed today that I needed to share this on my blog. If anyone wants to know more, you can ask me or go to and put in The Plan of Salvation in the search box. If you don't want to look, that is okay by me and I won't be offended and I don't intend to offend or change anyone's beliefs. I just know the peace that this brings to me and with all of the crappy stuff going on in everyone's lives, that peace sure is nice. I hope you all have a great day!! Happy Sunday.


john and brenda said...

I am also thankful for the Plan of Salvation. I loved your blog about it.

Adam and Anya said...

Amen to that!