Thursday, September 25, 2008

Random Thoughts Thursday

I am always amazed when I say something to someone and they say that they read that on my blog. I wish I had a way to know who visits my blog without restricting access to anyone. I also googled myself (I know, how self absorbent), but I was excited to see that I am now googleable. I think that is a word. I see the technology that has become available in the last year and it astonishes me. When I was a senior in high school (My 10 year reunion is this year), one of my teachers asked us to use a reference from the Internet. I went onto Netscape Navigator to find one of the 10 articles on my subject. When I went to cite the reference at the end of my paper, there was no MLS standard for Internet resources. I am not that old, but this sure makes me feel that way. I think we are both blessed and cursed to have this knowledge at our fingertips. It can be very addictive, yet things we used to watch the news to be informed about can be researched any time. These are my thought for random thoughts Thursday. Have a good day, everyone.


Adam and Anya said...

I'm debating my 10- year reunion. It makes me sick just thinking of it.

Mindy said...

I know that some people put the tracking device on theirs which shows where people came from to see your blog but you can't tell who it was just what city they are from.
I know what you mean though about the internet. I hated going to the library to do reports. Now, everything can be found in the comfort of our homes.

Becky said...

SO, SO true! My laptop is dead and I'm at the library - talk about ANNOYING! I miss my daily fix.

Carla said...

Just so you know, I read your blog and really enjoy it! -Carla Wandelt

john and brenda said...

THere is a way to know who visits your analytics. That is all I know!