Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Charlee has a webkin named Sparkles the cat. My mom has a gross, old, smelly dog named Cinnabon. I don't like Cinnabon. It is no secret that I don't like her. She is gross. She has a stuffed cat that is just as gross as she is. Her cat's name is Smelly Cat. So, when Charlee went to see Grandma today she said she had to leave Sparkles home so Cinnabon didn't think she was Smelly Cat and want to play with her. I keep telling my mom that Cinnabon needs to have a "unfortunate accident" and be buried in our back yard. She has not agreed yet, but if she wakes my mom up anymore at midnight, I think Mom may be coaxed. We'll keep our fingers crossed.


Becky said...

oh...poor cinnabon. what kind of dog? i do feel your pain - i'm not so much of an animal lover.

barryblog said...

I like animals, but everytime Cinnabon comes in my house, she runs to my room and Pees. My kids yell mean stuff at her. I guess they hear me say how dumb and bad she is. OOPS!! She is a shih Tzu and my mom says, "You would smell too if you had 26 babies like Bon". No, I would not smell like that!!

Tara said...

I better tell my mom to hide Bear from you!!!

Mindy said...

how sad Scottee!

Nancy Page said...

Greg is trying to put Chille down, too. now that he has his new hunting dog Chonee. You guys are terrible. Aren't we suppost to teach love and patience through having dogs? (I know I don't teach that with our dogs)