Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fun kids danicing

As long as I can remember, my mom has played the Beatles "You Say it's Your Birthday" for us on our b-days. She even calls all of the grandkids first thing in the morning, and a loud music song is on our phone. We love it. This is her and my kids dancing to the song like goof balls. Happy Birthday to me!!


Nancy Page said...

We love the b-day song, too!! It's not your b-day until you hear the song. Afton made us watch the video 10 times and wanted more. Then she said let's go to Scottee's tomorrow. We love you. Happy birthday!!

Nancy Page said...

You kids will thank you for that booty shot later. NICE!! :)

Joe and Dawn said...

Hey Scottee,
Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday. We had a lot of fun with you guys the other night.

Lori said...

I think your mom is great! It is so good you have her so close to you!

Mindy said...

Happy Belated Birthday! sorry I didn't say it on the day. my mind was somewhere else trying to get ready for our quick utah trip. But I hope you had a great day!